Carrer / Recruitment

Acta grows with its employees

Our company pays particuliar attention to every employee in order to make him/her feel comfortable and take advantage of every opportunity to learn more and to develop oneself. Everybody participates in the development of our company, bringing in proper ideas and implementing them.

Cooperation is an important part of our company culture, because together we always are stronger.

We also know how to get surrounded by the best partners in order to evolve day after day.

If you will be happy to add a stone to our edifice, to feel yourself useful in participating actively to the development of our company, to seek the opportunity to learn day after day, come and join us !

Human Goals

More than 15 years ago, during the first teamwork session between the management and the whole staff concerning the right to exist of our company, we determined that human goals are as important as economical goals. This constitutes our DNA and guides our daily decisions. During all following teamworks this priority has always been confirmed.

Together we set up "Build up pour company", a document which recalls this principle every day. Our economical and human goals are at the same level of importance.

Our economical goals

  • continuity of our company
  • profitability
  • customer satisfaction, because without them nothing would be possible  : « whenever our customer wins, we also do win ! »

We made the choice of growth and development. Our organization must be reliable in order to grant our clients constant quality and delivery terms. We also have to be reactive to face a difficult and changing economical environment.

These economical targets are essential, but for us, the development and satisfaction of our employees are also as important. These goals are complementary and of mutual reinforcement.


Our human goals

  • develop collective skills : cooperation and teamwork
  • develop the skills of every employee : offer the opportunity to master their tasks, to progress, to become more and more polyvalent
  • give everybody the chance to bring in proper ideas, to take over responsibilities.
  • better the satisfaction of each employee, even if it is difficult to meet all expectations. We try to achieve this through :
  • listening to each person because she/he is unique, 
  • recognizing a well achieved work , 
  • a friendly working spirit which is the result of everybody's efforts, 
  • a fair remuneration on one hand (same task, same payment), on the other hand in relation to the company results through participation and profit-sharing, 
  • the improvement of working conditions.

But our targets should not be reached at any price, but within the compliance with our values. Furthermore, we are convinced that these values provide a favorable context to realize nos economical and human goals.
Our professional gender equality index : 98 / 100 !

Our values

Based on strong values, Acta focuses on :

  • Being ambitious and well disposed against oneself and the colleagues
  • Respect to our colleagues, clients and suppliers
  • Confidence and solidarity
  • Professional consciousness

Equality Women / Men at Acta

The Ministry of Labour has established an index to measure the equality between women / men.

This index aims to end inequalities at work. It becomes obligatory to publish this index. We haven't waited fot this index to work this subject. Equality between all employees independently from their gender is part of our philosophy since the beginning.

Meanwhile we calculated this index combining several criteria such as age, salaries, increases, parity at top management..., we are proud to share with you our professional equality index for women / men. 64 women out of 138 employees and 21 women out of 38 executives. Our professional equality index for women / men is : 98 points out of 100 !

We are really happy and proud of this result. It also strengthens us in the implementation of "Construisons notre entreprise" ("Let's build together our company") where we together clearly wrote "Same job, same Salary".

The Lean practice in the centre of our employees' development

From the beginning of our activities onwards, the whole staff has been involved in all proceedings of progress: for example, the outfits have been worked out in a teamwork together with the operators, everybody has the possibility to propose improvements thanks to the standard form sheets of progress. 100 % of the staff has been trained as a Continued Progress Animateur (training course of 12 half-days with subjects as ergomotricity, communication, environment, security, Kaizen means...)

In 2017, we discovered the approach which perfectly suits to our company culture : the Lean practice.

The main point, the Lean approach and the Acta culture have in common, is the customers' satisfaction and above all the development and satisfaction of all employees.

The approach of continuously progressing consist in encouraging every employee to a daily progress allowing her/him to react in front of the daily challenges to develop the sense of expertise and reactivity. The visual management, which is essential, enables the employee to a better mastering of the task and to take actively part in the decisions to reach the company's goals.

On this road, we are accompanied by the best specialists.